UI / UX Desktop Design


January 2016


Gannet / USA Today


Lead Senior UI / UX Designer

Light Post is a new website that will launch in February of 2016. I designed and laid out content for Light Post, using Sketch, while freelancing at SY Partners. The user experience included a desktop and mobile version. The concept behind Light Post is to assist an individual in their life when making milestone decisions. For example, going off to college or starting a new career. The website will consist of 6 Goals, each goal will include 3 - 4 steps, on how to accomplish their goal as well as include videos, info graphics and a tools page, were the user can download work sheets.

This is a layout of Goal 1 / Step 1 in desktop and mobile version.

This is a layout of Goal 1 / Step 2 which includes a video page, about people who have changed careers in the desktop and mobile version.

This is a layout of Goal 1 / Step 3 which includes a article about a scientist who decided to change careers and become a teacher, in the desktop and mobile version.

This is a layout of Goal 1 / Step 4 which is the tools page in the desktop and mobile version.